How To Wax Tile Floors; Perfectly Floored

Throughout the year, tile floors see a great deal of foot traffic, so how to wax tile floors help extend its life.

As a result, the floor can lose its luster after some time has passed. Floors that have been waxed tend to retain their shine and cleanliness for longer.

The floor is also easy to clean after being waxed.

Waxing the floors takes only a few simple supplies and some knowledge. The effects of waxes can either harm or help. Wax that needs polishing produces a lasting effect, but waxes that do not require buffing are easier to use.

And once you floors are properly wax it makes it easy when trying to clean sticky floors.

Why Wax Tile Floors?

It is essential to note that what is commonly called “wax” is not wax.

People used to polish their floors with actual wax in the past, but nowadays, although wax is still available, acrylic products are the most common.

Waxing tile floors will provide a sheen that would not be feasible without wax, so if you desire a polished appearance, waxing is your only option.

Some waxes can even help heal minor damage, such as scratches, so waxing is an excellent way to restore your floor to pristine condition.

If you have tile floors, even though they require little maintenance, you will still need to care for them by waxing them occasionally.

When Is the Right Time to Wax?

A tile floor has to have its first layer of wax applied as soon as possible after it has been installed. Doing so will shield it from wear and tear and extend its lifespan.

After this, you should occasionally apply new coats of wax on top of the existing wax.

Finally, there will be occasions when a complete stripping of the old wax and reapplication will be required.

Your tile floor’s longevity can be increased with occasional maintenance like this, albeit it will not be necessary as regularly.

Waxing A Newly Installed Tile Floor Or A Floor After Removing The Previous Wax

When waxing a new tile floor, you must remove the factory finish; similarly, you must remove an old layer of wax before applying a new one. What is required:

Chemical wax solvent

Floor scrubbing machine or soft-bristled brush


Rubber mittens


Use a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Microfiber fabric

Regular floor cleaning detergent

Wax Tray for wax

Machine for buffering (optional)

Waxing Vinyl-Composite-Floor Tiles

Here is how to wax tile floors

Use A Stripper To Get Rid Of Factory Finish Or Old Wax

First, use a chemical stripper to remove the factory finish or old wax on the floor.

Before mopping the surface with warm water and detergent, sweep it with a brush or vacuum it. Just let it air dry.

Prepare the stripper in a bucket as directed by the bottle, using rubber gloves.

Take special care to follow the recommended stripper-to-water ratios. The protective factory finish or old wax can then be scrubbed away using the electric scrubber or the soft-bristled brush.

Scrub The Floor Once More

First, use a dry mop to thoroughly clean the floor of any remaining stripper, protective finish, or old wax. Then, mop the floor with clean, warm water (no detergent). Re-dry it if necessary.

Verify That All Traces Of Filth Has Been Removed From The Floor

Before applying the wax, the floor needs one more inspection to ensure it is completely clear of debris, grit, and grime.

A last wipe with a mop and detergent, or even a microfiber cloth, may be necessary if the floor is not spotless. This is crucial because waxing will lock in any remaining dust or debris. The floor needs to dry completely.

Apply The Wax

Get a tray ready and pour the wax in it plus a bucket of fresh water and keep it handy.

Get a fresh mop and wet it down. Squeeze it until damp, dip it into the wax tray, and squeeze it out again.  Put some wax on a small floor area and spread it with the mop.

If you follow the instructions on the bottle, one dip into the wax should be enough to cover about six square feet. Do this until the whole floor has been coated.

Tip: map out where you will be applying the wax first so you know where to avoid walking on the freshly waxed floor. While the floor is drying, please refrain from walking on it.

Allow The Wax To Dry Out

Once the entire floor surface has been treated, it must be allowed to cure.

Depending on the performer you employ, this will take at least an hour and possibly longer. Consult the bottle’s instructions for how long to let the liquid sit.


After applying all the necessary wax applications, you can use a buffer machine to polish the floor if you have one.

If not, you may still obtain acceptable results by manually polishing smaller areas. Once the wax has dried, rub it down with a wet mop.

Applying Wax To Existing Wax

Typically, you can apply a new layer of wax on top of the old one when performing routine maintenance.

To accomplish this, repeat the above steps, excluding steps 1 and 2. Ensure that the floor is entirely free of dirt and dust.

You will know when it is time to strip the wax and start over when, after applying a new coat of wax, you are unable to make the floor appear as clean and shiny as you’d like.

Take note when this occurs, and be prepared to remove the wax and begin again the next time floor maintenance is performed.


Waxing your floor is not a difficult task, but it is one that you should undertake.

Whether waxing a newly installed TILE floor or rewaxing an older one to refresh it, it will give your floor an attractive sheen while protecting it from wear and injury.

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