How to Get Spray Paint Out of Clothes

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re working on a DIY project in the garage and accidentally get spray paint on your favorite shirt or pants? We’ve all been there, and how to get spray paint out of clothes might be easier than you think.

Spray paint stains are the worst, but don’t worry, you can get spray paint out of clothes with just a few simple steps. The key is to act fast before the stain has time to set in.

Grab some rubbing alcohol, dish soap, and an old toothbrush, and you’ll be back to your regularly scheduled outfit in no time.

Think that shirt or pair of jeans is ruined? Think again. Read on to learn how to remove spray paint from clothes in three easy steps.

What You’ll Need to Remove Spray Paint From Clothes

You’ll need a few supplies to get spray paint out of clothes.


A heavy-duty liquid detergent is best for tackling tough stains like spray paint.

Look for a detergent that contains bleach or stain removers to help lift the spray paint from the fabric.

Rubbing alcohol

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is excellent for breaking down the chemicals in spray paint and loosening the bond between the color and the fabric.

You’ll want the 90% concentration.

Laundry brush

A stiff-bristled laundry brush, stain remover brush, or old toothbrush will help scrub the spray paint stain from the clothing.

Gently brushing the color before washing will help lift more paint from the fabric.

Color-safe bleach (optional)

If the item of clothing is white or light, a color-safe bleach can help whiten and brighten the area where the paint was removed.

Be sure to check the garment’s care label first to ensure it’s safe to use bleach. It might also be an excellent time to find out if hydrogen peroxide bleaches clothes.

Step-by-Step Process for Removing Spray Paint

Alright, you’ve got spray paint on your favorite shirt and must get it out ASAP. Don’t worry; with a few simple steps, you can remove that stain in no time.

Step 1: Act quickly!

The faster you treat the stain, the easier it will be to remove. Grab your shirt and head to the laundry room.

Step 2: Treat the stain

Apply a solvent like lacquer thinner, acetone, or rubbing alcohol to the stain and blot with an absorbent cloth.

Let it sit for at least 10 minutes to break down the paint. For tough stains, you may need to repeat a few times.

Step 3: Launder as usual

Launder the item of clothing on the hottest setting possible using a heavy-duty detergent.

Use a booster like OxiClean or Spray ‘n Wash for extra stain-fighting power. Add a 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. The heat and agitation will help lift any remaining stain from the fibers.

Check the item before drying to make sure the stain is completely gone. If not, repeat the steps until you’ve achieved victory over that stubborn spray paint stain.

With some elbow grease and the right products, you can return to wearing that favorite shirt in no time. Stay positive—you’ve got this!

Tips for Avoiding Spray Paint Stains on Clothes in the Future

To avoid spray paint stains on your clothes in the future, keep these tips in mind:

Ventilate and cover-up

Always work in a well-ventilated area and cover up as much as possible.

Wear old clothes, gloves, goggles and a mask. Spray paint particles and fumes can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system.

Covering up also prevents overspray from landing on your clothes, hair, and skin.

Choose a designated area

Pick a spot outdoors or in your garage specifically for spray painting projects. Lay down a drop cloth, newspaper, or an old sheet to protect the surface below.

This contains the mess and prevents spray paint from drifting onto surrounding areas where your clothes may be.

Remove clothes before starting

When possible, remove shirts, jackets, and any loose or dangling clothing before beginning to spray paint.

Tuck in or tie back long hair. The more skin and clothing you have exposed, the more opportunities for spray paint to land where you don’t want it.

Seal spray paint cans tightly

securely seal spray paint cans immediately after use to avoid drips and leaks.

Spray paint left uncapped or with a loose seal can continue to release fumes and particles even after you’ve finished your project.

Sealing cans also prevents excess spray paint from building up around the rim and nozzle, which can then transfer to your hands, tools, and clothes.

These tips will help ensure your spray painting adventures remain confined to your work area and project surfaces.

With the proper precautions, you can avoid those pesky spray paint stains on your clothes and focus on achieving a flawless finish.


By tackling the color immediately, using a solvent to break down the paint, and then laundering it as usual, you’ll be back to your regular wardrobe in no time.

Spray paint may seem stubborn, but you can overcome this hurdle with the proper technique and patience.

The next time an artistic endeavor goes awry, you’ll be ready to remedy it.

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